• Christmas Party

    Sunday, December 17, 2023, 5-7pm in the gym

    (instead of Focal Point/YG/KidLife Club)

    Everyone is invited! Join us as a family! Invite a friend! Bring your grandma! Come on your own! Join us for a fun, progressive dinner style party! When you arrive, your family will be assigned to one of 5 groups. Groups will move together from room to room, enjoying different parts of a dinner in each room. You might eat dessert first! One room will have a gift game instead of food (gifts provided). Kids' activities will also be offered in each room. Church staff will "host" each room to welcome you and ensure the evening runs smoothly. 

    RSVP: We would love to know by Dec 10 if you plan to join us so that we can adequately anticipate food needs. However, if you want to invite someone at the last minute or you decide the day of that you just can't miss out, please come even if you didn't RSVP. Please email us if you plan to show up so we can prepare enough food!

    Food restrictions: If you have specific dietary needs, we do not want you to feel excluded! Please email Emillie Clayton at emillie@rockfordrc.org to let us know how we can make you feel most welcome.