
  • Prelude

    Holy Forever

    Welcome & Announcements

    Call to Worship

    10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)

    His Mercy Is More

    Revelation Song


    My Life Is An Offering

    Prayer & Message

    "Beginning to End"

    Series: Journey to the Cross

    Matthew 4:1-11 (p.809)

    Rev. James Karsten


    Lord, I Need You

    Closing Blessing


This Week

Single Ladies Lunch: Saturday, March 29, 1pm in the Fireside Room. We will meet at church for subs, dessert, and games in the Fireside Room. All ages welcome. RSVP to Wilma Nelson, 616-690-4479.

Easter Egg Hunt Donations: Donations of candy and non-food items (lots of ideas here) can be placed in bins at doors A and B starting this Sunday and through Sunday, April 6. ALL DONATIONS BY APRIL 6!! Filling eggs will take place in the Youth Room room at church on Saturday, April 12 from 10am-12pm, and we will order pizza for lunch. Easter egg hunt will be held on Saturday, April 19. Brunch will be served from 9:30-10, with an Easter lesson at 10 followed by the egg hunt. Volunteers for set-up/clean up can sign up here.

Carnival Bake Sale & Silent Auction Donations: The 7 -9th grade girls need your help to make our fundraising carnival a success!! We need baked goods for our bake sale and donations for our silent auction. Please click here to go to the sign up list!

Assure Women's Center Fundraising Banquet: On Friday, April 25, Assure Women's Center in Cedar Springs will be hosting a fundraising banquet for their new building to be located at 45 Pine Street. They are looking for sponsors to be table hosts for the banquet. If interested, please contact them at (616) 696-4357.

  • CPR & AED Training Class

    Monday, March 24, 6:30-8:30pm: Rockford Reformed Church will be offering a CPR/AED training class on Monday, March 24 from 6:30-8:30pm. This training is intended for the layperson who is interested in learning the basics of how to respond to common medical emergencies or those looking for a refresher. Cost for the class is $35.00 and payable at the class. The class will be held in the gym. You can sign up for the class at this link. Please reach out to Melissa Cool at melissaecool@gmail.com if you have questions.

  • Carnival Fundraiser

    Saturday, March 29, 11am-2pm: Come help us raise money to support clean water for people and safe habitats for giraffes! Games, silent auction, lunch available! Every day 800 children in Africa die from lack of clean water. Additionally, giraffes face silent extinction due to habitat loss and poaching. There is a way to stop these senseless deaths of children and prevent the loss of magnificent animals such as the giraffe. The 7th, 8th, and 9th grade girls at Rockford Reformed Church are committed to raising money to help support clean water for people and safe habitats for giraffes. We would like to donate to The Iron Giraffe Challenge, who digs clean water wells in Sudan. Any money we have left over from our goal we would like to donate to the Somali Giraffe Project Sanctuary in Kenya.

  • Easter Egg Hunt

    Saturday, April 19, 9:30am: All kids through 5th grade are invited to participate! We'll start with breakfast and an Easter lesson, followed by the egg hunt!

    • Donations of candy and non-food items (lots of ideas here) can be placed in bins at doors A and B through Sunday, April 6. ALL DONATIONS BY APRIL 6!!
    • Filling eggs will take place in the Youth Room room at church on Saturday, April 12 from 10am-12pm, and we will order pizza for lunch.
    • Volunteers for set-up/clean up can sign up here.
  • VBS

    Mon-Thurs, June 16-19, 6-8pm: Save the date! VBS will be back this summer for kids 3 years old through those just leaving 6th grade. Join us for Camp Chaos, where kids learn that Jesus is our path to peace. Volunteer sign-ups and materials requests coming soon!  For ages 3 years - 6th grade (just leaving 6th).