• Women's Bible Study

    Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00am in the Fireside Room

    Resumes Fall 2024

    Attention RRC women and friends! Mark your calendars for any or all of 3 Summer luncheons hosted by the RRC Women’s Bible Study Group. It will be a time of fun and fellowship! We will meet at 11:30am on the second Tuesday of each month at the Boulder Creek Golf Club (separate checks): June 11, July 9, and August 13. Regular Bible study will resume with Fall programming.

    The Tuesday morning Women’s Bible Study group is a weekly gathering of women of all ages and backgrounds. We are passionate about worshipping in song, growing in Christ through the study of His Word, and praying for each other and others. Please join us as we love and support one another wherever we are in our faith journeys. Invite your friends and neighbors too!


    • September (after start of school) through May (as collectively determined)
    • Study books provided (donations welcome if so desired)
    • Hot coffee/water and paper products provided
    • Weekly treats per volunteer sign-up basis
    • Routine childcare is currently not provided, but options can be explored as needs arise