KidLife Nursery

(6 weeks–3 years)

During the service

For kids too young to sit through the service or a children's lesson. Caregivers read books, provide cheerios, sing to, play with, and hold babies and toddlers so parents can focus on the service.

The nursery is located above the gym in room 241. From the back of the sanctuary, exit through the double doors and walk straight ahead to a second set of double doors. The nursery is through these doors and to the left. 

Our nursery volunteers are required to have a background check before they are allowed to serve in the nursery. We want to be sure we are providing the safest care possible for your child! Please contact Emily Cutter to volunteer.

The nursery includes a separate room with curtains and a live feed to the service for nursing mothers and those who want a quiet space for their children.

KidLife Worship

(3 years-2nd grade)

During the service

For kids who can sit and participate in a Bible lesson. Leaders join children in songs of worship, read a Bible story, provide a snack, and engage kids in conversation about where we see the Gospel in the Bible story.

Kids can either go straight to KidLife Worship, or they may begin the service with you, then join the group after a few songs in the sanctuary.

A few times a year, kids in grades 1–2 will attend the service with their parents. KidLife Worship will not be available. For kids staying in the service, children's bulletins and quite activities are available along with clipboards and crayons. The nursery will still be available! If you have a child kindergarten or younger who would rather not sit through the service they are welcome to come to nursery for a story and activity.

KidLife Sunday School

(preschool-5th grade)

Following the service

Preschool – 1st Grade meets in the Fireside Room. Kids already in KidLife Worship during service will remain in the same room.

2nd – 5th Grade meets in Room 250 for a Family Sermon Discussion.

KidLife Club

(preschool-5th grade)

Wednesdays 6-7:15pm

(during Focal Point)

Room 101

Kids gather in a large group for a time of songs and a Bible lesson, then break into small groups based on age to discuss the lesson and pray together. There is a craft related to the lesson and time to play in the gym in small groups, then kids end the evening back in the large group to pray together. Our focus this fall is the Fruit of the Spirit and in the spring we will be learning about Prayer.