Our Vision 2028 calls for us to make a transition toward very intentional discipleship – becoming disciples who are equipped and actively making disciples. Beginning October 4, we will begin a church-wide focus on discipleship based in part on the book Multiply by Francis Chan. This single focus, for all generations, will unite us at a time when it can seem that we are scattered. There is an urgency for us to connect well in smaller groups and make real progress toward personal ministry rather than leaning on church programming or corporate ministry. Everyone is encouraged to participate in a Life Group or other small group (in person or online) to dig deeper into the book. The preaching, studies, children’s, and youth ministries will all work in sync with related lessons, videos, equipping leaders, and equipping parents to disciple their kids around the same texts and topics.
You can find supplemental videos for each chapter at Multiply’s website (multiplymovement.com)